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Bachelor Finale Recap

Well they have wrapped up another season of The Bachelor! Ben Higgins has to be the most genuine/emotional Bachelor thus far! I think Ben and Sean Lowe should be best friends. They are both just so sweet. Throughout the season I was Team Becca & Lauren but towards the end JoJo definitely started to make her way up my list. Most the time I have a favorite coming into the finale but this time…I really did like both of them. For me…this was the most anticipated finale EVER…mainly because the dangerous three words were said…but to BOTH girls. So here are my Bachelor Finale highlights!


-Lauren shows up with flowers and a bottle of red wine to meet Ben’s parents. I have to say…good move. Everyone brings flowers…but red wine…that’s a winner.

-Mr. Higgins takes Lauren aside and they talk about the normal topics of The Bachelor “Meet The Family”…. how she is in love & Ben is great. We know.

-Lauren then moves on to talk to Mrs. Higgins but she calls Dave and Amy and my first thought was…you just met them?! First name basis is a big step.

-Lauren continues to talk with Mrs. Higgins while holding hands. I don’t know about you but I am not the hand holding type while in the middle of a serious conversation, especially one that is about how her son can be “intense”.

-When Lauren leaves she makes it very clear to Ben that she is ready to be engaged and as most contestants do…over-used the word “like”.

-Overall I think Lauren did well with The Higgins. She is poised, polished, professional and pretty dang good at this whole thing.


-JoJo seemed more relaxed and confident then I expected her to be. But her plant in a seashell was an interesting choice. I would have gone with the wine.

-She totally won over Mr. Higgins in my opinion. Her raw emotions showed through when she got choked up talking about how much she loved Ben.

-JoJo always seemed to win over Mrs. Higgins as well. Overall I think JoJo’s interactions with The Higgins were more natural than Lauren’s.

-When JoJo goes to leave…she asks Ben if he is planning on proposing at the end of this…in which in responds “yes”. At this point I started to have a gut feeling that even though he was going to propose it wasn’t going to be to JoJo.

-JoJo seemed to take home the win from The Higgins but at the end Mrs. Higgins admits that Ben has no idea who to choose at this point.


-Lauren and Ben’s date was the most awkward date they have had. They barley talked…and when they did…it was just a one sentence conversation. This was very abnormal for them. Ben tells Lauren his only reservation is that things have been “too perfect” between them…well if you want to go looking for problems you will find them. So be careful before thinking that is a negative thing. The date was boring, their conversations were boring, and the three words were spoken over and over. Lauren didn’t leave the date feeling overly confident and she has kept her emotions in check all this time…knowing there is another girl and that Ben probably loves her as well.

-JoJo and Ben’s date starts off with a Jeep ride…which I have to say was more enjoyable to watch because it wasn’t just silence. At first, the date with JoJo seems to be the winner. But…then they start talking about their long distance relationship with him in Denver and her in Dallas…JoJo admits that she will do anything to make it work but Ben doesn’t seem that sure about it all. Then JoJo asks Ben if he is “good” and he tells her that was a “loaded question”. He goes on to explain that he has feelings for Lauren too…JoJo is totally confused by this answer…But I mean come are on THE BACHELOR, of course there is another woman and of course he has feelings for her. That night Ben tells JoJo that she has become his best friend…this is when the red flag went up for me. A best friend isn’t where you want to be at this point in the show…you want to be the love of his life that will eventually become his best friend through life. Instead of enjoying the night and making the most of their “last date” together…JoJo lets her emotions get the best of her and ends up crying on the bathroom floor and asking questions she doesn’t want the answers too. Example: Are you in love with Lauren? And of course…Ben says yes. I have to give it to Ben…he is BEYOND honest with these women and that is admirable.


-Ben wakes up more confused…even though he has been confused all season if we are being honest.

-The lovely Neil Lane enters.

-Ben looks at the rings and picks out "the one"...wouldn't have been my choice but he didn’t ask me. (Rumored to be $100,000 & 4.25 I wouldn't complain actually)

-Then like always…we watch the two women get ready. JoJo’s dress is a stunning, low-cut (like always), sequin dress and Laure’s dress is a modest, simple but beautiful, blue dress. Their dress choice couldn’t have been more on point with their personalities.


-You are in Jamaica…and it is HOT and HUMID. Good luck in that suit, Ben.

-JoJo arrives first…and like always Chris Harrison is right there to greet her. As she walks up to Ben…his face doesn’t light up and that was enough for me. I would have turned around and walked back to the limo.

-Ben allows JoJo to talk and tell him how insanely in love with him she is just to turn around and break her heart.

-That was pretty awful to watch because we all knew how she felt about him and how worried she was after their one-on-one date.

-Ben shows obvious signs that he is hurting when JoJo leaves. Again, proving he is just the sweetest person.

-Ben then takes off his suit jacket and his whole back is wet…go figure…since it is HOT in JAMAICA.

-Then Ben calls Lauren’s dad to ask for her hand in marriage…CAN YOU SAY BEST PROPOSAL EVER?!

-Lauren walks up in her blue dress…looking as poised and relaxed as ever.

-Lauren tells Ben he is “her person”

-Ben gets down on one knee and makes every girl in America tear up as he goes on to tell her “he wants to wake up next to her every day forever”.

-Then she gets the beautiful Neil Lane diamond and Ben says “you’re my person”….and we all cry a little more.

Well there goes another season of The Bachelor…and we can all agree that JoJo being the next Bachelorette is PERFECTION. Sorry, Caila…but JoJo definitely won our hearts. So now lets all prepare to watch this Dallas girl kill it on The Bachelorette…which we hope will be filled with beautiful men, NO NICK (hopefully) & her crazy brothers.

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